Introductions - Who We Are

Tarinapata LLC is a full-service consulting firm that offers client-centered innovative strategies and training. We work in Finland.

Internationally, we operate under the business name Flying Chefs®. Our expertise mainly focuses on attending professional manufacturer and supplier exhibitions, primarily representing Finnish products as well as food and beverage culture. 

Expertise & Experience

We specialize in restaurants, cafes, and foodservice providers inside malls. Our clients include operations that have seen a drop in their sales. We have a wide range of experience in developing concepts around menus, food production, management, and training of staff that help reverse the negative trends. 

We have over 40 years of collective experience that benefit our clients and allows us to help them create an operation that is in demand, has value, and mitigates risks, while simultaneously lets them stay true to their unique vision and the customer experience they wish to offer.

The members of our team are veteran industry experts who have worked or continue to work, in the industry. Tarinapata has decades of experience in the restaurant industry and it allows us to bring about fresh ideas and reliable solutions to our clients. Our experience confidently allows us to offer the expertise needed to bring your restaurant idea to life or to turn your existing business back to being profitable. We work collaboratively to develop first-class client-centered solutions. 

Listening to Our Clients and Making Their Wishes Come True

The needs of our clients are always the first priority for us and the foundation for any project. We see our role as a subject-matter expert and a resource that guides the client on their own turf that may be unknown and unpredictable. Trust and openness are the pillars of our collaborative, client-centered approach from the start to the end of any project. 

At times, our clients are already in tricky situations. To solve the problem, we offer an objective analysis of the situation, which, in practice, means feedback and potential solutions to be implemented throughout the operation, profitability, and survey of customers. During this effort, we uncover the strengths and weaknesses of the operation. 

Tarinapata Oy:ssä olemme sitoutuneet meille annettuun tehtävään hallitsemalla maailman suurimman vieraanvaraisuusalan dynamiikkaa ja jakamalla kokonaisvaltaista tietoa ja osaamista asiakkaillemme ja heidän kanssaan. Yhdessä toteutamme projekteja, jotka ilmaisevat autenttisen näkökulman, joka on tietoinen asiakastarpeesta ja asiakaslähtöisyydellä tuottaa asiakaskokemuksen maksimoinnin.

Asiakkaista ja markkinoista kilpailu kovenee Korona rajoitusten purkamisen jälkeen, kun ravintola-ala hiljalleen palautuu päivittäisiin toimiinsa. Ole meihin yhteydessä, niin kartoitamme yhdessä yrityksellesi turvallisen väylän kohti kannattavaa liiketoimintaa.